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We’ve been talking about “the cloud” for years now.

With advancements in technology, the adoption of cloud-based technology is rapidly growing, especially among small to mid-sized businesses. In fact, it’s safe to assume your business is probably using cloud-based tools in some capacity. Ever heard of Dropbox? Cloud-based. Facebook? Also cloud-based. The list goes on.

“The cloud” refers to a collection of servers located at a central location that store data or serve various technologies. You can host many applications, data, email and other functions “in the cloud,” which has far more power and resources than an on-site server. As a result, it’s become unnecessary for some businesses to maintain an on-site server when the cloud is a more efficient and effective option. And with devices getting cheaper and internet connectivity exploding, cloud computing is a smart, viable option for business owners.

Maybe you see the benefits of moving to the cloud but haven’t quite decided to move your business yet. Here are 5 reasons to move to the cloud and take that next step to drive your business toward success.


1. Moving to the Cloud for Enhanced Security

Every digital device that holds your company’s sensitive information is a security risk for your business. Think of your employee’s laptops and mobile phones that store company data. If a device gets lost or stolen, there’s a chance it will get into the wrong hands, which threatens your organization.

Moving to the cloud boosts an organization’s defenses and limits hackers’ chances of stealing private, digital assets. When you store everything in the cloud, you have complete control over who gets to see and handle company assets. You can set up parameters for certain employees to only access specific items, and you can remotely wipe clean a lost or stolen device before anyone finds sensitive information in mere minutes.


2. Cost Effectiveness of Moving to the Cloud

With the cloud comes cost savings. Not only does the cloud eliminate the expense associated with physically storing and maintaining the resources that power that technology, but it eliminates the cost of computer equipment, an IT support team’s time, and additional software or storage. Most cloud platforms allow you to make monthly or annual payments as a part of a membership, without having to worry about any outside expenses.

The cloud also provides the ability to scale quickly and easily. With cloud storage, you can simply purchase more storage or resources in the cloud as you need them. You can also scale back when necessary, meaning you save money by eliminating resources you don’t need.


3. Improved Flexibility

Because the cloud is driven by the Internet, you can typically access cloud-based technology from any device with an Internet connection.

This means that when everything is uploaded to the cloud, you can work on anything, from anywhere, updated in real-time. At your desk, while waiting in line, or even on an airplane – the cloud enables access all over the world. As a result, cloud computing helps create a flexible workplace; employees can work from home, remote offices or in a different country. In turn, this gives employees more time in the day to work from where they want, when they want. Which, ultimately, can enhance employee productivity and collaboration.


4. Constant Backup and Disaster Recovery

When you store your data in the cloud, your assets are automatically backed up. You never have to worry about a natural disaster or fire ruining your on-site storage and setting you back years in time and money. Your data lives in the cloud, which is virtually untouchable by any physical force.


5. Reduced Administrative Work

Cloud-based ERP software enables you to access reports at any time. You can access cash flow and profit and loss statements instantly and in real-time, with updated information that is customized to match what you need. This helps them keep an eye on what’s going in and out to make good decisions that will lead to the scaling-up of your organization.


For more information on benefits of moving to the cloud, our cloud services, and how World Synergy can help your organization move to the cloud, claim your free Cloud Readiness Assessment or contact us.