How to Get More Leads: Marketing Tips for Today's Buyers Journey!

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Remember when customers had to talk to a salesperson to learn about a product or service? Those days are long gone. In today’s digital world, buyers have access to all the information they need at their fingertips. They prefer to research on their own, compare options, and feel confident about their decision before ever speaking to a salesperson—if they even need to talk to one at all. Therefore, businesses may be wondering how they can get more leads if their salespeople aren't as relied upon as they used to be. Consider these marketing tips to capture more leads along the buyer’s journey.



Understand the Modern Buyer’s Journey

To effectively get more leads, it’s crucial to recognize how the buyer’s journey has evolved. Today’s buyer moves through three stages: awareness, consideration, and decision.

During the awareness stage, they’re identifying a problem or need. In the consideration stage, they’re evaluating possible solutions. By the decision stage, they’ve narrowed down their options and are ready to make a purchase.

Your job is to guide them through these stages with the right content at the right time.


How to Get More Leads: Give Your Prospects What They Want

The key to capturing leads is by building trust. To do so, you must offer the information buyers are looking for. Here’s how to do it:

  • Provide Clear Pricing: One of the first things potential customers look for is pricing information. Even if your pricing varies, offer a range or example to give buyers a starting point. Transparency here builds trust and positions your business as an honest, helpful resource.
  • Highlight Features and Benefits: Today’s consumers want a thorough understanding of what your product or service offers. Make sure your website includes detailed information on features, but also connect those features to real-world benefits. How will your product or service solve their problems?
  • Create Comparisons: Buyers love to compare options. Providing side-by-side comparisons of your offerings versus competitors will make it easier for potential customers to see your advantages and make an informed decision.
  • Showcase Reviews and Testimonials: Social proof is more important than ever. Make sure your happy customers' voices are front and center on your website. Positive reviews and case studies give potential buyers confidence that you can deliver on your promises.

Marketing Tips for Each Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

To optimize your marketing strategy and attract more leads, you need to cater your content to each stage of the buyer’s journey:

  • Awareness Stage: This is content that educates people who may not yet know they have a problem, or what solutions are available. Blog posts, educational videos, and infographics can help buyers understand their problem and how your product or service can solve it. This is the least important type of content, due to AI Search: Here's why.
  • Consideration Stage: Content for this stage targets buyers who are aware they have a problem, and are evaluating different solutions. Create detailed guides, webinars, or comparison tools to help them evaluate their options and see why your solution stands out.
  • Decision Stage: At this point, buyers understand their options and are ready to make a decision. Provide easy access to honest pricing information, product demos, and customer testimonials to nudge them toward purchasing from you.

Boost Your Lead Generation

The days of waiting for buyers to ask questions are over. By providing valuable information upfront, you’re saving your prospects time and positioning your business as a helpful, trustworthy partner.

Want to know how to get more leads? Follow these marketing tips and adjust your content strategy to align with the modern buyer’s journey. When you give your prospects what they’re looking for early on, you’ll not only capture more leads—you’ll close more deals.

Reach out to us for help crafting a marketing strategy to generate leads.